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I should visit the ocean again.


this made me smile;-)


Beautiful game.


Thank you for the gam!

I am smashed by how beautiful it is. Really masterful use of Bitsy.


A very tight little poem of a game. Game as short story. I loved it.


My God, what a fairy game!

This music is great!

this song... that feeling... This game is beautiful.


I feel like it's 200 years ago and I'm listening to this story at a campfire. It feels like a folktale.

this game is so incredibly beautiful

this game is poetry.

it was beautiful, thank you for making this.

I teared up in the end.

this is amazing.

I love this.


What a great experience. Thank you.


that was very beautiful. well done. 


This is so beautiful. It genuinely made me cry.


The final line is beautiful. 10/10 dude that was a really wonderful little experience.


This was a magical experience...

Thank you for creating this...




Maybe I understand the story. It's beautiful, it makes me want to see the ocean.


a wonderful work

It's very short but very good, it's quite nostalgic. I love history, design, music, everything.Thanks for doing this



and now i'm in tears. gorgeous. 

i want to go visit the ocean too. maybe tomorrow i will visit one of its relatives in the footprint of a glacier, a long time ago. 


say hi to the glacier! i miss the mountains


oh, it's a glacier that left millions of years ago! no mountains, just a very Great Lake (in this case, Michigan, but I was born next to Erie and my grandmother lived just north on the shores of apparently this is my destiny in some weird way). but i will whisper a hello to what's left of it and maybe the mountains will hear. i miss them too! <3


ohhh thats so cool! 


Breathtaking. A beautiful work.


This is really cool! I think the fact that you call it poem instead of game is also good as it really shows what this gam- poem is!


Very cute art and very nice story and atmosphear, thank you


thank you. this was… wow.

but now i miss the ocean. 

oh wow

This was a fantastic experience, thank you <3

beautiful <3


it made me so emotional

i've dealt with depression since i was a teen n what rlly helps is having someone around

im glad in this game we get to be that for eachother 



usually with my synesthesia, it only makes me associate things with a taste as well as the main sense something would stimulate for anyone else (i.e. songs have a sound and a taste for me, other people only hear a sound)

only two things have stimulated all of my senses at once like this:

the love of my life, my boyfriend

and this game. thank you for this. i feel alive again. i can hear the faint music from the boardwalk and feel the warm water splashing against my legs. the sun, the sand. the taste of saltwater taffy - birthday cake flavored.

it all feels so wonderful

thank you for listening without having to hear a word. for speaking volumes with no mouth.

thank you.


i am a total stranger but this is such a gorgeous comment. i'm so happy FOR you.

Absolutely, devastatingly beautiful. Thank you.



i started crying midway, i love this alot thank you


i adore all of your games, thank you for continuing to create such art <3


What a beautiful experience - it's amazing how much you can do with the bitsy engine. Thank you!


This game brings emotion out of me I don't see often, thank you for this gift.

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